Monday, November 21, 2016

Some Things to be Thankful For

Q: "Thanksgiving Week in the USA, and a good time for all of us - wherever we might be from, or live now - to take stock. What are you most thankful for in your writing career?"

-from Susan

Right now, there is some irony in the notion of thanksgiving for many of us. We worry about the future, about our friends, about those we choose to ally ourselves with, about the nation. Trying to turn my attention away from these legitimate fears requires some discipline. But, if I focus:

1.     I’m thankful that I have a career writing crime fiction. It’s at least my third career and was only a dream 10 years ago. Three books so far, a fourth coming out in May!

2.     The new book is the first in a contract with a major publisher – something I dreamed of and that excites me. St. Martin’s Minotaur feels like a good fit for me and my editor there has been wonderful.

3.     I was so lucky to find an agent early in the game. I know it’s a high hill to climb and I don’t know if I would have been strong or brave enough to keep at it if I had received scores of numbing rejections in the process.

4.     Reviewers and readers like my books. I don’t have as many fans as some of my fellow Minds have, and I haven’t won the awards they have. But neither have my novels fallen completely into the high weeds. I do get the occasional personal note from a reader who loves the Dani series, and that’s as good as a healthy portion of cranberry sauce!

5.     I have become part of a community of people – crime fiction writers – who are so generous, supportive, talented and honorable that I feel grateful every day. People have befriended me, have given me help, and reminded me to pass it on.

So, lots to be grateful for on this front. And for the other? The same advice published writers gave me early on fits well: “Never give up!”


BSP: All Three Dani O'Rourke mysteries available for holiday shopping.


  1. Congratulations on everything, Susan, especially the deal with St. Martin’s Minotaur! That's great and good luck!

  2. Indeed you haven't fallen into the weeds. I will never forget sitting with you in the audience at a Left Coast Crime panel, right after your first book came out (and my books were a dream in the making). A woman came scurrying up all bright-eyed and asked if you were Susan Shea. She had been trying to track you down to tell you have much she loved your book. For some reason, although I get good fan appreciation, this first-hand brush with an excited fan has stuck with me and always makes me smile.

  3. A lovely list, Susan. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Thanks, Paul. I'm still pinching myself!

    Terry, you and I went through the process together and it was more fun that way and a strong bond. And now you're a star!

    Robin, happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you. :-)


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