Do you have any New Year's resolutions as a writer, and what are your plans for 2023?
Brenda starting off the week.This question makes me think I should make some resolutions ... (not that I'm not always on the lookout for ways to improve).
My top writing resolution, and perhaps life resolution, is to get more organized. I'm not great at cleaning out cupboards or getting rid of stuff I'll never use, so definitely room to maneuver here. I'm also a rather chaotic writer and believe that organizing my current manuscript early on will pay dividends.
In addition, I haven't pursued all the publicity and marketing opportunities that are out there, and I'd like to tackle these more systematically with my next book, When Last Seen (currently up for preorder on Amazon). (Already making good on the resolution to get better at marketing :-)
My final writing resolution is to take more time to appreciate the process and to enjoy the here and now -- to be grateful for all my blessings. There's lots of challenges and down moments in this writing business, but there are also many, many moments to savour. Holding a new book after a year of working on it, kind messages from strangers, meeting readers, celebrating with friends and family - these and many more joys are always present and I want to take the time to enjoy what's important and to keep perspective.
As for my 2023 plans, When Last Seen comes out April 1st so I'd like to get in some events around that, including a launch with family and friends. My publisher Dundurn is also re-releasing all of the Stonechild and Rouleau series with new covers as well as the last five books in audiobook format, also in the spring, and I'm eager to help promote these too. I'll continue writing book three in the Hunter and Tate series and know this will take up my summer. I don't foresee much boredom in my future!
Twitter: brendaAchapman
Facebook & Instagram: BrendaChapmanAuthor
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