Wednesday, July 19, 2023

All my own work... by Cathy Ace

Chime in with your thoughts on writers using AI. Is it okay to use it for some tasks? Where do you draw the line?

NB: No AI was used in the creation of this blog post. I will not be using it because I enjoy writing, so why steal that pleasure/terror from myself?

On a more serious note, yes, I do think conversations must be had. I think the current statement from the Authors' Guild is a good place to start. Click through here to read what they are saying: 

This isn't going away, folks, and we can't stick our heads in the sand...because we all know where that puts our backsides. So if you're a writer, or a creator of any sort, have a bit of a think about it all now. And if you're a reader - which I'm betting we all are - then consider how you're going to have to maybe take a couple of extra steps down the line to establish the true source of the creative output you're reading/seeing/hearing...and, maybe, even sharing.

Now…onto something that really is all my own work, that I'm quite proud of:

I have a new book coming out on the 24th of this month – so excuse me, please, while I focus on that this week! 

The Case of the Uninvited Undertaker is the 8th book in the WISE Enquiries Agency Mysteries series, and it’s been a labor of love...because I adore my recurring characters in this series (and I hope that shows in the books!).

For those of you waiting for the next Cait Morgan book  - yes, it WILL be published this year, with a publication date of Monday 13th November currently on my calendar.

All of this means that by the end of this year I will have written and published four books within twelve months – hence the slightly stressed situation here in my office. I’ve never done this before, and I have to say I will probably never do it again. However, having worked through the past dozen years to try to build a presence in the market, I owe it to my readers, and myself, to make the most of it. None of this would have been possible without the support on a daily basis that I receive from my husband (who’s doing everything to allow me to write, write, write) and my wonderful editors, who have allowed me to insert myself rather forcefully into their schedules. My thanks to them all. 

Most of all – thanks to everyone who’s pre-ordered THE CASE OF THE UNINVITED UNDERTAKER; I already know it will be the biggest release I've ever had, and that’s a huge boost to my confidence. 

I really hope you enjoy the book…and please understand one critical thing: getting four books written in a year DOES NOT MEAN I have given any of them less time than I would have done if I’d only had one book published this year. What it means is that I’ve been able to schedule the time each book is in MY hands compared with how long it’s in the hands of my editors. That’s the wonderful thing about publishing my own books – I get to set the pace, set the scheduling, and this means that the months my books used to spend in the hands of others have evaporated, so I can work much smarter these days.

Here we go then, folks – I hope you enjoy the book! You can click through to my website for ordering details; the book’s available for your Kindle, Kobo, or Nook e-reader, in paperback and in hardcover. Your local bookstore or library can order it for you – they just need the title, and the ISBN helps, and they are on my website, here: 


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