Monday, January 15, 2024

I'm Late, I'm Late

 Q: The balance between life and work can be difficult to manage as a writer, because we all "work at home". How do you succeed, and fail?


-from Susan


Perfect example. Today’s post is late because, whoops, all weekend I was busy trying to figure out where the brand-new leak in my bedroom window is coming from and who I should ask to fix it. And getting the furnace installers back because the brand-new furnace wasn’t working at all, brrrr. The second problem has been fixed but they still have to come back because it's not "quite" fixed. The first is not and rain’s expected tomorrow. 


Never mind cats. When they’re in, they demand to be out and when I put down yesterday’s favorite food, they loudly scorn it and demand variety. When I’m on a zoom call, they demand fresh running weather or threaten to die of thirst. 


Work life balance? Sometimes, but not always and I have no tips on how to manage it except 1) have a spouse who can deal with house crises and 2) forget about pets unless you’ve trained them to be less spoiled than my two.



  1. Ugh, Susan - sorry to hear all that. I had to laugh at the idea of training a cat to decide where she wants to be or to be a less picky eater! Cx


Questions for the Criminal Minds? Comments? Let us know!