Sunday, June 9, 2024

Being Social

What’s your social media strategy? Do you try to promote a brand or a reputation?


My social media strategy is not all that sophisticated. I post book news on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and more recently, Threads. I have private and public addresses on both Facebook and Instagram, although most of what I post on all the sites concerns my books. I'm finding the longer social media carries on, the less likely I am to post anything about my personal life, even on my private accounts.

Another key part of my social media strategy is blogging not only on 7 Criminal Minds every other Monday, but also on my own website. I blog every Saturday but started taking summers off a few years ago, ending in April or May and beginning again in September. I talk about my writing week, events, media coverage and news. I'm amazed at how many people tell me they read it weekly!

As for promoting a brand, I had photos taken by a photographer and these are used widely. I suppose I've been branded as a local Ottawa crime fiction author who sets her stories in this end of the country. I'm also somewhere between cosy and really gritty -- writing more the 'medium-boiled' kind of mysteries.

My online reputation is probably low-key, upbeat and respectful. I respond to every interaction from readers who send messages to me, and I work at being approachable. I don't comment on politics or rant about issues on my public sites. My social media is all about writing, books and outreach to readers, other authors, librarians, booksellers and media.

For me, social media is all about spreading the word! You can follow me at any of the links below :-) 


Twitter (X) 7: brendaAchapman

Facebook & Instagram & Threads: BrendaChapmanAuthor

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