Sunday, September 29, 2024

Foot on the Gas

As we face the last few months of 2024, any events, projects or releases planned to end the year?


Gah, we're almost into October. Anyone else think the clock is speeding up?

I had a busy spring into summer, took some time off events, and somehow have booked enough to keep me busy through autumn on the publicity front. Two store signings and three Christmas fairs are on my agenda. I've never gone the fair route before and am interested to see how sales go and whether they are worthwhile. At the very least, I get to chum around with some author friends and get in the holiday mood :-) 

I've also been invited to a book club to discuss my latest, Fatal Harvest. The book is set mainly in Ashton, a village on the outskirts of the city limits with several scenes in the Ashton Brew Pub.  There are seven women in the club and they're each inviting a friend and we'll meet in the pub, so it promises to be a lot of fun.

As for projects, I have the book four in the Hunter and Tate series manuscript currently with an editor and I'm plugging away on book eight in my Stonechild and Rouleau series. The writing and editing will keep me going until well into 2025. The Hunter and Tate book should be out in the spring if all goes as planned.

So a busy few months ahead to finish off the year!


Twitter (X): brendaAchapman

Facebook, Threads & Instagram: BrendaChapmanAuthor


Dietrich Kalteis said...

Best of luck with the Hunter and Tate books, Brenda, and yes the clock does seem to be speeding up.

Brenda Chapman said...

Thanks Dietrich - glad to get confirmation about the time speeding up thing :-)