Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Yes, yes, yes, yes... NO! by Eric Beetner

 Action, comedy, dialogue, sex, or violence - which of these do you find the most difficult to write and why?

I love writing dialogue. I love writing violence. I've been told I write comedy very well, and action is my wheelhouse. I love all of it. Sex scenes....well...

I've tried them, sparingly. Sometimes it's needed for the story. After all, it's a huge part of human existence. You can't ignore it. But to get too detailed about it, for me, feels icky. Maybe it's because those just aren't the books I write. Perhaps I should, because steamy romance sells like hotcakes. 

The most explicit sex scene I ever wrote is one I wish I could go back and rewrite. I just got rights back to that book, so maybe I will. Looking back at it, the scene felt like soft core porn. There is a reason why they give a tongue-in-cheek award for the worst sex scene of the year. When done poorly, they can be absolutely cringe-worthy.

Worse than that, it can take a reader out of the story. If you've made the reader uncomfortable they aren't thinking of the story anymore. 

All of this presumes a poorly written sex scene. I've certainly read my share of good ones that feel like they hit the right tone, serve the story and build on character. I haven't reached that level yet. And since I haven't really written one since the ill-fated attempt, I'm not getting much practice. 

Not that I don't like a little romance or some sexual tension. A little will-they-or-won't-they is a great thing for a story. My next book that comes out in Feb of 2025 has a through line of a possible budding romance. A little depth to the characters, even if they never act on it.

So for now, I'll remain chaste in my books. There is no shortage of hot and steamy novels out there for readers who want to read it done far better than I ever could.

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