Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Busy, Busy, Busy


Terry here, with this week's project: 

 As we face the last few months of 2024, any events, projects or releases planned to end the year? 

 Oh my goodness, yes. I have two short stories to write, a book to publish (yes! Venturing into the self-publishing world), a book to promote (The Troubling Death of Maddy Benson comes out October 2) from Severn House) and a book to get started writing (the next Samuel Craddock, which is due February 28). Not to mention doing edits from the notes my publisher will send me on the second Jessie Madison book, tentatively entitled Deep Dive

 So…let’s break it down. October 2, The Troubling Death of Maddy Benson is a book I’m really proud of—it has a tough theme. As Kirkus remarked, “A hot take on the state of abortion access (in Texas) since the demise of Roe v. Wade.” I have a few book events planned for it with authors Georgia Jeffries (The Younger Girl) and Michelle Chouinard (The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco) in both Los Angeles and the Bay Area. 

 Sooner or later I have to finish the short story I promised for an anthology based on Lyle Lovett songs. The short story, called “Nora at the Bar” is almost finished—I just need to nail the end. 

 I also want to try my hand at another type of short story proposed by Michael Bracken. I’m so in awe of Michael (or Mr. Mystery Short Story as I tend to think of him) that it’s hard not to feel intimidated by the prospect of submitting a short story to him. Plus, I’ve thought of an interesting twist on a short story to submit to an anthology—if I can find time to write it. 

 Then there’s the book I’m planning to publish myself (or “independently” as it’s called these days.) It’s been thoroughly edited and it’s a book I really like. I’ve been looking for a standalone project to put out on my own and Out of Control seems like the perfect vehicle. I’m even thinking of doing the audio book myself. We’ll see. Timing seems crucial to such a project. With Maddy Benson coming out October 2, I want to wait at least 4-6 weeks before the standalone comes out, but I want it to be out in plenty of time for holiday purchase. 

 Last, and certainly not least, I have a contract for the twelfth in the Samuel Craddock series. I’ve been kicking around ideas for it, but with it due February 28, I have to get busy doing more than kicking. 

 Meanwhile, at the time you’re reading this, I’m in Greece—which has long been on my bucket list. (I promise photos). I’ve taken with me several e-books that I need to read for one reason or another, and I purchased a new iPad to replace the iPad mini, and bought a keyboard so I can write on those hot afternoons when everyone else is napping. I wrote most of the fourth Samuel Craddock books while I was on safari in Africa, so I know it can be done.

1 comment:

  1. Busy, busy, busy is right, Terry — so many balls in the air. Have a great relaxing time in Greece.


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