What are your Literary Resolutions for 2025...as a Writer, as a Reader?
Welcome 2025! We made it through 2024. We survived.
Maybe, some of you even thrived. Was 2024 the year you had hoped for? Planned
for? Prayed for? And more importantly, did you cross off resolutions you made
sometime in December of 2023? Have you finished with your list of grand plans
for 2025? Or are you, like me, still considering every option to make 2025 the
most perfect year of your life so far? Let’s discuss. Tell us, we’re dying to
hear, at least about your literary resolutions. What resolutions do you have on
your literary list for 2025?
Personally, 2024 was the greatest time of my literary
career. I signed with my dream agent, my first traditional novel was released,
making me feel like Celie from The Color Purple, as she dances down that church
aisle, crying out for all the world to hear, I’s married. In my case, it was
more spinning around my living room clutching my brand-new book baby to my
chest, while my audience of three cats and a twenty-something young son looked
on slightly less impressed as I proclaimed, I’m published. Same thing though,
But I rode that excitement all through 2024 to arrive at
2025 with the question, what’s next? The answer, so much! But where to start?
The obvious answer, write more books. I promise I’m working on it. Albeit too
slowly, which brings me to resolution number one. Setting a daily writing goal
and sticking with it. Now, I know if you’ve been in this profession for a while
and this is how your bread is buttered, this one may seem like a no brainer.
But if you’re new in the game and your discipline is a little sketchy, you,
like me, may need a little help. Introducing my new whiteboard schedule that I
have to see everyday when I walk into my office for work. I figure if the
master, Mr. Stephen King, commits to ten pages a day, per On Writing,
then one thousand words is a worthy goal/resolution for me.
And of course, if I want to continue down this road of
making writing a career, then I must swallow my anxiety and fear of failure and
market, letting the world know my book baby is out there looking for a home, or
thousands of homes. So, we’ve arrived at resolution number two: author for
rent. Need a guest for your book club, podcast, hastily put together in-store
event, say no more. I’m your Huckleberry (Tombstone reference). To be honest, this may be the hardest of my
resolutions, being the typical introvert writer who is most comfortable with a
good glass of red, have bottle will travel (LCC 2024 reference IYKYK. 😊)
And a good book. But in 2025, I am resolved to put myself out there more. Which
to me means more time on social media, seeking out opportunities to be a guest
on podcasts or panels. I’m interested, what are some of your favorite ways to spread
the word about your books?
Resolution number three is a fun one: conferences! That time
where for a few days your only job is to talk about books, whether it’s reading
or writing, making new writer friends, or connecting with old ones. Attending
conferences is like adult summer camp for bookworms. Because in the end, I
believe, that all the great writers were bookworms first. So being surrounded
by people you’ve spent so much time with, cuddled up in bed, riding the train, having
a soak, well, that’s food for my writing soul. So, I’m resolved to attend at
least two conferences this year—maybe three, depending on what the bank account
says—because I believe, feeding your inspiration is as important as feeding
your body, at least from a writing standpoint.
I only wish resolution number four was as fun. I’d like to
commission a study for this one, because I think this might be fairly, or even
highly, common with writers in general. Still, I’ll admit, I might be on the
outskirts of the acceptable when it comes to checking my email. All I can say
is I’m going to do better. In 2025, I am resolved to treat my email like I
treat my favorite shows, currently Love Island and Elementary,
and my current read, No Man’s Ghost by Jason Powell, and at least look
at it every day. I won’t embarrass myself by saying how many unread emails I’m
currently in the process of deleting, but if you want to share your number, I’d
be most interested. No one wants to feel bad alone. By the end of 2025 I intend
to read and delete emails once a day. Feel free to cheer me on.
And last but never
least. Reading! I am resolved to put
such a dent in my TBR list that by 2026, I will not feel in the least bit
guilty when I pick up all the new releases from my favorite authors. If you saw
the greatness of my TBR list, you’d be filled with envy. Imagine having to make
time to read a Tracy Clark, Catriona McPherson, Jess Loury, or Cynthia Pelayo
book? Insane, I know. I could entertain myself for the whole of 2025 without
ever having to leave the house or turn on the TV.
So, in 2025, look for me to be organized, disciplined,
writing, and reading and maybe, just maybe, a special announcement at some
point. If you see me roaming around a writer’s conference with a glass of wine
and a giddy smile, say hi, and maybe ask if I’ve checked my email. Cheers to a
new year to write great things, meet great people, and read great stories.
Welcome to Criminal Minds, Angela! So great to have you with us! Jim
Welcome, Angela. I enjoyed your post and share many of the resolutions, especially writing every day and putting oneself out there more often.
Welcome to the Minds, Angela. My God, your brimming enthusiasm just fizzes off the screen here. I am impressed. Cxx
You make me want to get better organized! Thanks for sharing your 2025 goals and welcome, Angela.
Welcome aboard, Angela.
Thank you, everyone!
I love hearing that 2024 was your greatest writerly year. The joy of getting signed and published is so delightful! Thanks for sharing!
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