Sunday, July 10, 2022

My Summer Reading

What are the best books you’ve read lately? What’s on the stack that you’re looking forward to?

Brenda here.

Summer reading -- out on the deck deep into a good book, a cold drink at hand, flowers blooming and the sun beaming down -- is there anything finer in the whole wide world? I think not ...

I've been spending most of my time reading (and rereading) a most excellent books called When Last Seen by none other than ... me! It's the second in the Hunter and Tate Mysteries due out in spring 2023. I'm currently on my third edit, and once completed in a few days, it will be off to my Beta readers for their feedback. All five who critiqued book one, Blind Date, last year have cheerfully agreed to give this one a perusal. My daughter Lisa is also on board. 

So there's that.

The last not-mine, for-pure-enjoyment books I read include Deon Meyer's  Devil's Peak, the first in his Benny Griessel series. Meyer is a South African writer of some repute and he's earned the accolades. Definitely on the gritty side, the book is told from the point of view of three separate characters and all comes together at the end when their paths cross. I'm looking forward to book two in the series, which Amazon should deliver to my door any minute now...

I also read Jane Harper's The Survivors. Great writing and a story that kept my interest although I much preferred The Dry. I've read four of her books, all standalones and each one interesting in its own right. She can spin a tale.

I'm currently reading a Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson. This is not crime fiction. The story is a kind of autobiography, and begins with a fetus giving her unborn take on her mother's thoughts and feelings (and the mom is not the nicest of people). There's a lot of subtle humour and some sad bits -- all in all, an entertaining and absorbing story.

I'm also reading Cold Canadian Crime, a Crime Writers of Canada anthology to mark the organization's 40th anniversary. I read a short story each evening before turning out the light to go to sleep. My story "The Final Hit" is the last in the book. Each story so far is a little jewel, completely different and well written -- by some of Canada's finest crime writers from across the country.

(You can find out more about Blind Date and Cold Canadian Crime by checking out this five-minute interview recently recorded on Daytime Ottawa)

All in all, four books that I would highly recommend!

As for the books I'm looking forward to reading, I'd like to continue with the Deon Meyer's series. I'm also keen to read Confidence, the latest Denise Mina book and Adrian McKinty's The Island as well as whatever good book comes my way or sparks my interest. Have you one to recommend?!


Facebook & Twitter: BrendaChapmanAuthor

Twitter: brendaAchapman


  1. A great list, Brenda — and a nice thought too: a good book, a cold drink, flowers blooming, and the sun beaming down.

  2. Thanks Dietrich :-)


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