February can be a bleak month. How do you overcome periods of
lethargy and re-energize yourself creatively and otherwise?
by Dietrich
The cold months might just be the best time for writing, the bleak of
winter driving me indoors and to my desk, while the nicer weather’s
more likely to tempt me outdoors with all of its balmy distractions.
Personally, I like the changing seasons and I try to make peace with
whatever it’s doing out there, even when it’s cold and wet for long
stretches. Inside, it’s always warm and toasty, and it’s where I can
write up a storm of my own.
I don’t often feel lethargic at this time of year, but there are things I
would consider to shake off any doldrums that might show up.
Pursuing another creative outlet can be rewarding and also re
energizing. I’m often working on different art projects or I’m
picking up my guitar and noodling away.
Sometimes, it’s nice to just get out and go for a coffee with friends.
Or, if it’s raining sheets, I might turn on all the lights in the house,
put on the fire, turn up the heat and bake a batch of cookies and
make the place smell nice. Cookies have a way of fixing any gray
A visit to the gym or going for a long walk can keep me from
feeling like a sloth. And it’s a heck of a way to work off that
impending big cookie-butt too.
Laughter is also a great way to avoid the glum. Switching on South
Park and watching Kenny get killed again and again is always good
for a chuckle — as is watching comedians like Dave Chappelle,
Jimmy Carr, Greg Davies and Sarah Millican.
And filling the air with great music — playing tunes that feel
empowering or ones that evoke happy memories — it’s uplifting
and has a way of transforming any dull mood.
Writing a to-do list and ticking off things that I’ve accomplished is
yet another way to counter feelings of inaction and boost my mood
— just look at all the things I’ve done today!
And a nice reward for those earned ticks is to put on a record and sit
by that warm fire with a good book, one that might also inspire me
to get back to writing.
I love a to-do list! I write things on it I've already done as well.
Thanks, Catriona. I even convince myself it's not cheating.
Creative projects aside from writing are underrated as mood lifters. Writing is often such a long goal, so something smaller and faster is good for the soul. I like pottering with my pot plants!
I agree, Poppy. I've always got little creative side projects on the go as well.
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