Sunday, December 21, 2014
Happy Holidays!
So have a good end of the year, and join us on January 5, 2015, when Meredith ushers in the New Year for Criminal Minds!
Friday, December 19, 2014
What If They Gave a Signing and Nobody Came?
We all have tales to tell from book events. What is your
best experience and what is your worst?
by Paul D. Marks
Since I pretty much answered this question some time ago when
we were asked about best and worst convention experiences...because it amounts
to the same thing as book events, I’m going to give a short response to the
“worst” experience here. And just
quickly mention that the best – and worst – was winning the Shamus, from the
Private Eye Writers of America, at last year’s (2013) Shamus Awards. (If
interested in that whole story and to see why it’s both best and worst, see What
is your best experience at a mystery convention? Your worst? posted
on Criminal Minds, I believe, on 4/11/14). But after my brief other worst
experience below, I have some reflections on the past year.
The other worst: though one that didn’t actually
happen...’cause I was too chicken to try. Some of you might remember the old
expression “What if they gave a war and nobody came?” Well, when White Heat came out I adamantly did not want to do signings in bookstores
because I thought...“What if I gave a signing and nobody came.”
Vampires and zombies don’t scare me, though when I was a kid
I did pull the blankets over my neck so if Dracula happened to fly in my window
he couldn’t bite me (as if the blankets would stop him). But one hears
horror stories of writers going to signings and nobody showing up. And I
figured that’s what would happen to me as an unknown. So I did most of my
promotion via the web or going to mass signings like the LA Times Festival of Books with Sisters in Crime, etc. And, all in all, it worked out pretty good.
* *
And now, since this is the last official post of the year, I
thought I’d reflect a bit before signing off.
As some of you may know, my mom died in
September. I don’t have anything particularly profound to say about it,
but I thought I’d offer some end-of-the-year thoughts about that and some other
It’s hard losing a parent or anyone who’s close to you. And
I was pretty close to my mom. I might not have seen her a lot, though I
did see her, but we talked on the phone frequently. Sometimes we didn’t
have much to say to each other because we talked so much. But I guess she liked
to hear my voice—her words, not mine. There was a time years ago when I didn’t
want to talk to her so frequently and told her we shouldn’t talk more than once
a week or even less than that. But then I realized she wouldn’t be here
forever, so I gave in and we talked several times a week. She would ask me
about the stuff I was bidding on on eBay (I collect toys, Beatles stuff and
other “junk”), or about our animals (most of the time 2 dogs and 2 cats, but
now down to 1 dog and 2 cats) or other things. Usually nothing of heavy import.
And I don’t regret all those conversations at all. I guess you could say I was
“stocking up” for that time—now—when she wouldn’t be here anymore.
Her last year was not a good one. She had breast cancer that
spread throughout her body. She was in a lot of pain, but still thought she’d
beat it. She’d beaten it before. But I guess none of us can stave death off
forever unless you’re a better chess player than he is.

We had our share of disagreements, even full blown arguments
about one thing or another. She didn’t always agree with my choices as a
teenager or an adult, but she always stood by me, no matter what. Of course, I
didn’t always agree with her choices either. But if you can’t disagree
with someone and still have a relationship, then maybe you don’t really have a
relationship. The closest human beings can be is when we can accept the
other person and accept their differences.
L to R: My wife
Amy and my mom. My mom’s high school pic. Somewhere in the 80s/90s, I’m
guessing. And her and I at a book signing a couple of years ago:
And she truly loved and accepted my wife, Amy, and that
always made me very happy. On the other hand, I don’t think she loved our last
house as much as we did—too modern. But did love our current house and
would comment on that all the time.
I suppose I could reflect on this for pages, but I’ll wind
it down. So summing up the year, like most years, 2014 had some good and some
bad. Some frustrating luck with projects falling through, not happening and one
big media project biting the dust. So it’s been tough. But like Gene Autry says
in “Tumbling Tumbleweeds” “I know when night has gone that a new world's born
at dawn.” And the New Year is coming and hopefully a clean slate with it.
So Happy Holidays and a Good New Year to Everyone! And
look for the holiday greeting from the Criminal Minds going up this Sunday.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Dorothy and Celine
The worst book-related event ever?
It might be the time I was invited to give the address at the Dorothy L Sayers Society's annual meeting. Everything went wrong.
I left behind the phone number of the woman picking me up at the airport and had no way to get in touch with her. This resulted in her wasting about an hour searching for me when she had a million other things to do.
Then I got lost when I went to pick up the books I had sent ahead. Another hour of very busy people worrying about where I was and whether I'd ever come back.
So there was only time for us to go to the nearest chain pub for lunch. The huge screen tellys showing football and the screaming babies and cackling teenage mums were my fault too.
And on top of that I was just . . . not what they were expecting. Dandy Gilver is posh and conservative and a very DLS Soc kind of gal. I'm incredibly not. I stood up in an unserious dress and upsetting footwear, with my highly visible roots (follicular and social), and I committed all kinds of faux pas - talking about Dorothy's son (the DLS Soc doesn't talk about Dorothy's son), talking about Dorothy's anti-Semitism (guess whether that comes up much), not talking about Dorothy's theology and religious writings . . .
Oh well.
I might not have been to finishing school but at least I had the manners to leave the after-party early so they could all get into what a let-down I'd been. Meantime, I spent a sick-making night in the most tobacco-drenched hotel room ever. Paris included.
I still love Dorothy.
And as for the best book-related event? I'm humbled and amazed by having so many to choose from. But the moment that's standing out in my memory right now is the Sisters in Crime breakfast at Bouchercon, Long Beach, when I took over the presidency and was handed the official seal.
![]() |
photo by Molly Weston |
Monday, December 15, 2014
It's All Good
"We all have tales to tell
from book events. What is your best experience and what is your worst?"
- from Susan
No one forgets her
debut book launch event. There’s nothing like it. Before you finished your
first draft, when going to a bookstore reading was exciting because you were in
the same room with Sara Paretsky or Lee Child, you hardly dared dream you’d be
behind the same microphone some day. When you landed an agent, it was like
Christmas, and when your book sold to a publisher, the circus might as well
have just come to town. And then, your publisher or agent said, “So, let’s get
you booked somewhere for your launch,” and you were sure the fantasy was about
to come crashing down.
the bookstore said, “Sure, we’d love to have you. Send us your bio and a JPEG
of your book cover,” and you realized you had arrived. Oh, maybe not arrived to
stardom or best seller lists, or being optioned to the movies, but arrived to
the moment when the bookstore rep introduced you with flattering words, and you
stepped to the podium, and a little voice inside you said, “Sue Grafton stood
friends, friendly acquaintances, neighbors, and my doctor’s assistant filled
the chairs at my local bookstore, and bought every copy of Murder in the Abstract the store had in stock, and then some. They
laughed at the right moments, asked good questions, and didn’t seem to want to
leave. We drank sparkling stuff and ate chocolates, and had a great time. I’ve
done that twice so far, and hope to do it again. Collectively, celebrating a
new book with people I care about and – to my surprise – readers I don’t know
but who enjoy my books – is the best.
I only
had one experience of the kind that makes other writers cringe in sympathy, but
it was more funny than awful. I write mysteries, but was invited, most kindly,
to join four romance authors for an event about 60 miles from home at a large
chain bookstore. The events staffer was charming, kept up a steady chatter of
encouragement as we set up. He put out a lot of chairs. As the hour approached,
we checked our watches surreptitiously because there was no one – no one –
taking a chair. Our moderator gamely began five minutes after the hour and we
all smiled cheerfully and started answering our own questions. A woman slid
into a chair in the back and we beamed in her direction, but she had already
adjusted her worn and tattered cost and gone to sleep. Another five minute
passed and a man took the chair that was farthest from her and from us. Who
knew, maybe he was a secret romance reader? No, he pulled out his cell phone
and proceeded to have an animated conversation in Chinese with someone. I was
pretty sure they weren’t talking about our topic of the moment: Where do you
get your ideas?
women writers were pros and we wound up having a good conversation among
ourselves, carried through the upstairs of the store by the microphones clipped
onto our shirts. “Worst”? Well, yes, certainly, in that there was nothing to
feed our egos or our book sales. But we had each other and for the umpteenth
time I was reminded how wonderful the writing community is. We packed up at the
end of the hour, laughed as we exchanged hugs and good wishes, and went back to
our desks to keep writing.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Blog, Tweet, Meet and Greet
There are many
different ways for promoting a new book. Which do you feel is the most
by Paul D. Marks
It’s always hard coming at the end of the week. Other people might have hit points that I
hit, though I generally write my articles before our week even begins. But great minds think alike and all of that
I was going to start off by saying it’s a new world we’re
living in with the internet and all. But
it’s not so new anymore, especially as things move more and more quickly all
the time. That said, the internet has
opened up a whole new wealth of ways to promote your book. And whether you’re
with a major publisher, mid-size or indie publisher you will most likely be the
one promoting your book or at least doing 93% of it.
The major publishers push the big authors—you know, the ones
who don’t really need it, like Stephen King, Anne Rice, Sue Grafton and John
Grisham. But you and your little book, whether
you’re pubb’d by a major, a small publisher or an indie, and who could really
use a push, well you’re on your own for the most part. But you can do it. It
just takes time, effort and a little money. But not nearly as much money as ad
campaigns used to take when your only outlets were print, radio and TV.
The internet gives us: Twitter. Facebook. Goodreads and
other similar sites.
There’s also a ton of bloggers who review books or interview
authors. Ads in things like E Reader News or Kindle Nation Daily or Kindle
Review or the very expensive and choosy Book Bub. Even Facebook ads.
And, of course, there’s the old standbys: word of mouth and
personal appearances at bookstores, libraries, reader groups, conventions (like
Bouchercon, Malice, Left Coast), etc.
If you’ve got money you can hire a publicist. But, just like
with anything or anyone else, some might be good, others not so good. And just
because they work for a big company or have a fancy office doesn’t necessarily
mean they’re better. When I was working in Hollywood my then-writing partner
and I got William Morris as agents (have I told this one before?). We thought
it was the best day of our lives.
Celebrated. Flying high. But it turned out to be the worst experience as
we were the little fish in the big pond. (But I’ll leave the details for
another time.) But the best agent I had was working out of his converted garage
when I met him. And he hustled for me. And got me work. And he was eventually picked up as a VP by
another large agency and took me with him. The point I’m making here is don’t
let the trappings of a big publicist (or publisher for that matter) fool you
into thinking you can sit back and do nothing or let things slide
And today there’s a lot you can do yourself. So even if you can’t afford a publicist it’s
not the end of the world. The advantage of a publicist is that they might have
lists or contacts of people who might be interested in your book. They might be able to talk someone into
running a piece on you and your book.
But lists can be bought and with persistence you can get the word out.

As to which is the most effective, as the expression goes,
there’s more than one way to skin a cat.*
There’s not one way that’s best or most effective. The most effective thing is
a combination of various methods working symbiotically with each other. Each
thing mentioned above works with and pays off each other, but you have to find
what works for you. (And any old excuse to put in a cute cat pic.)
*No cats were skinned in the making of this blog post.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
"There are many different
ways for promoting a new book. Which do you feel is the most
by Catriona
Oh God, I knew tackling this topic on Thursday, having read three previous contributions, was going to give me a bad case of galloping inadequacy.
Group tour . . . (Does a family wedding count?) Newsletter . . . (Does mistakenly hitting reply-to-all count?) Be Louise Penny . . . I'll get right on that.
Just about the best thing a publisher has ever said to me was when Midnight Ink told me my first job in promoting the book was to write a great next book. Writing a book is easier than corralling a street team any day.
It's not as though I do nothing - more that, like Clare said yesterday, I do what I enjoy and it seems weird calling it promotion. Facebook feels like home now, Twitter like popping next door to borrow a cup of sugar, and Left Coast, Malice and Bouchercon are as fixed in the shape of a year as Christmas, New Year and my birthday. (And then there's Bloody Scotland.)
I also think it's a good idea to have an attractive and easily navigable website, with books in order, a press page and contact links. Don't you Google every new writer you come across? I know I want the first thing people find (before the Amazon One-Star Express rolls onscreen) to be what I put there. I had to take a deep breath before I ponied up to Bizango for mine (click here) but I've never regretted it.
What else? Giving books away is a big part of my promotional approach. Large print and audio to the library, prize draws on publication days or to celebrate good reviews, gifts to people who express an interest I can tell falls just short of buying one themselves . . . I think even if these books are discarded they'll be discarded to a thrift store and I first discovered Joyce Carol Oates in a thrift store (and have subsequently given her a decent chunk of my income).
I still can't and will never be able to, if I live to be a hundred, tell someone more than they've asked in the interests of promotion. A typical promo opportunity goes like this:
Potential fan: What do you do?
Catriona: I'm a writer.
PF: Oh? What do you write?
C: Mysteries.
PF: Oh, really? I love mysteries!
C: Me too. Who do you read?
PF: [names some authors]
C: [names some more authors]
And the conversation is safely off of me. If the PF wants to steer it back I can't stop them.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Buy My Book!
"There are
many different ways for promoting a new book. Which do you feel is the most
This is
a harder question to answer than it might seem.
What format is the book and is
there a publisher seriously supporting it? ? Hard cover from a major publisher?
Trade paperback? Self-published? E-book only?
What about the author? Is it her
first, or does she have a string of books under her belt? Is she well-known or
seeking to build some name recognition?
What does the book have going for
it? Is it getting lots of national buzz? Winning awards? Limping along at the
margins? Is it part of a series or a stand-alone?
What research
there is seems to show that connecting with the readers by personal contact
(bookstore readings, fan conventions, library talks, etc) is a great way to
promote a book. It’s clear that many readers want to know something about the
author, to feel that they have some kind of bond that stretches beyond the
page, and that’s lovely. But unless the author has a private plane or an
unheard of publicity budget, there’s a limit to how many readers one can meet.
So, the next best thing is that someone who did meet the author recommends the
book to his friends, a kind of chain linking contacts between authors and
If it’s
a hard cover book, the bookseller and publisher are asking readers to pony up
serious money, made more so by the advent of cheap or free e-books. And that’s
another promotion tool that authors are discussing in online forums: giving or
selling lots of copies (hundreds, thousands) in the hopes of creating demand
for the author’s other books. For that to work, there need to be other books
ready for the eager readers who, one hopes, got hooked on the teaser book.
more – much more – that authors spend oodles of time chewing on, but I’ll leave
that for other Minds to tackle all week.
- from Susan
(author of Murder in the Abstract, The King's Jar, and (coming in the spring) Mixed Up with Murder - see, that's one way to promote books!)
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