Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Happy (belated) St. David's Day by Cathy Ace

Hello folks! St. David's Day was yesterday, March 1st, so as you're reading this I am flopping about somewhere in a Welshcake-induced coma. It also means I'm going to (respectfully) ignore this week's question, and take the chance to tell you ALL about the fabulous crime writing festival that will be held "in Wales" this end April/beginning of May, online, and free of charge. I hope you'll forgive me this bit of flag-waving! 
(And keep reading to the end of this post for news of a FABULOUS offer on my Welsh cozy mysteries!)

There are some international headliners, and great deal of Welsh-grown talent at the events - all of which are detailed below. I'll be appearing, as will fellow blogger here Abir Mukherjee, along with people, I can't list them all, so check out the FABULOUS names below! 

Some you'll know, some will be new to you - so, come on, let's try to find you your next favorite crime WALES! 

Over 4,000 viewers watched the panels at last year’s digital Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival.

Another 3,000 have watched them on our YouTube panel since.

(FYI: Gwyl is the Welsh word for Festival)


Now it’s your turn…


We're incredibly excited to present the full programme for the
2022 digital Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival

Check out the panels for the 2022 digital Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival below and book your tickets now – you’ll find links by clicking on your chosen panel title.


And don’t forget…


All the panels are online. All the panels are free.





Wednesday 27 April
Event 1 - 18:30
The Second Story in Crime Fiction: We all have Issues!
Contemporary crime fiction has proven to be the perfect genre to explore many difficult issues that trouble society beyond law-breaking. Homelessness, dubious technology and deep-rooted traditions are just some of the subjects explored to great effect by the authors here.
Chair: Jacky Collins
Speakers: Trevor Wood, Awais Khan, Louise Mumford

Event 2 - 20:00
Who killed Daniel Morgan?
This panel discusses the infamous unsolved axe murder of Welsh private detective Daniel Morgan with journalist Peter Jukes and Alastair Morgan, Daniel’s brother.
Chair: Matt Johnson
Speakers: Alistair Morgan, Peter Jukes


Thursday 28 April
Event 3 - 18:30
Women in Crime Fiction: Pursuers and Perpetrators
Gone are the days of gender stereotypes in crime fiction. These authors demonstrate how the agency afforded women in crime fiction has diverged considerably to the extent that the characters these authors have created are found on both sides of the law and are always to be reckoned with.
Chair: Jacky Collins
Speakers: Mari Hannah, Elly Griffiths, Beverly Jones

Event 4 - 20:00
How Much Fact, How Much Fiction: Using Historical Events in Crime Fiction
Crime Writers’ Association Historical Dagger winner, Vaseem Khan (Midnight at Malabar House) and Historical Writers’ Association gold crown winner, Chris Lloyd (The Unwanted Dead) discuss how they balance writing compelling fiction and giving readers an authentic taste of the historical events their characters are dealing with.
Chair: Alis Hawkins
Speakers: Vaseem Khan, Chris Lloyd

Friday 29 April
Event 5 - 18:30
Gwaed ar y Dudalen
Mae’r Cymry yn hoff o drioedd felly yn y sesiwn yma bydd Jon Gower yn trafod tri o hanfodion sgrifennu trosedd gyda’r awduron profiadol a phoblogaidd Gwen Parrott ac Alun Davies – lleoliad, plot a chymeriadu.
Chair: Jon Gower
Speakers: Alun Davies, Gwen Parrott

Event 6 - 20:00
It’s all in your head: writing psychological crime fiction
Do authors need to get into their readers’ heads as well as those of their characters’ to write compelling, bestselling and prizewinning fiction? Clare Mackintosh and Belinda Bauer talk about playing with perception, plot and people in this fascinating discussion.
Chair: Katherine Stansfield
Speakers: Clare Mackintosh, Belinda Bauer


Monday 2 May
Event 7 - 18:30
Ex-forces cops – hard men or soft centres?
Craven’s Washington Poe and Johnson’s Robert Finlay both have pasts in the military, and the life-or-death situations they faced in uniform mean that they bring a particular ‘who gives a f***?’ attitude towards some aspects of policing. But does policing also require emotional intelligence? Barry Forshaw explores Craven and Johnson’s differing views.
Chair: Barry Forshaw
Speaker: MW Craven, Matt Johnson

Event 8 - 20:00
Island Crime
Do remote settings enhance the mystery and chill of the crime novel? Does location affect how the reader experiences the scene of the crime? These award-winning and critically acclaimed authors know how to transport us so that we feel the remoteness of bleak island landscapes and the bitter chill of northerly winds.
Chair: Jacky Collins
Speaker: Ann Cleaves, Lilja Sigurdardottir

Tuesday 3 May
Event 9 - 18:30
35 Diwrnod a Bang – y ddrama drosedd rhyngwladol
Yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae sioeau trosedd o Gymru wedi plesio cynulleidfaoedd yng Nghymru ac ar draws y byd. Bydd Jon Gower yn trafod y llwyddiant yma gyda dau sydd wedi disgleirio wrth lunio cyfresi treiddgar, cyflym a gwaedlyd, sef Fflur Dafydd a Roger Williams.
Chair: Jon Gower
Speakers: Fflur Dafydd, Roger Williams

Event 10 - 20:00
Where, When or Who? Which is the most important question in crime fiction?
Billingham, Jones and Ellis are all crime authors but they set their fiction in the past and the present, in Britain and Venice, featuring police officers and amateur sleuths. What unites their books under the crime banner? What common factors do they share? And why might their work appeal to different kinds of readers?
Chair: Barry Forshaw
Speakers: Mark Billingham, Mark Ellis, Philip Gwynne Jones


Wednesday 4 May
Event 11 - 18:30
The Truth, The Whole Truth and The Historical Truth
With dogged detectives who refuse to settle until the truth is revealed, the authors on this panel have successfully shown how constructing fiction around historical fact blends perfectly with crime and mystery and provides wonderful insight into times gone by and faraway places.
Chair: Jacky Collins
Speakers: Abir Mukherjee, Alis Hawkins

Event 12 - 20:00
Strong Women, Strong Setting
Cosy crime meets gritty as Cathy Ace pits her Cait Morgan and WISE Detective Agency series against GB Williams’ Branwen Jones (The Chair) and Ariadne Teddington (Locked series). How do the settings of these books influence their protagonists’ approach to the crimes they find themselves tangled up in?
Chair: Alis Hawkins
Speakers: Cathy Ace, GB Williams

To see all tickets, CLICK HERE



Book now and enjoy the buzz of a live panel with your favourite crime writers. That way, you can put questions to the authors, you interact with participants from all over the world, and you get to be part of an exciting online crime fiction festival as it happens. So put on your PJs, pour a cup of tea or a glass of wine and watch from the comfort of your own armchair… or bed, or mountain top… and buckle up for the

2022 digital Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival.

And, who knows, you might just find your next favourite crime writer in Wales sooner than you think…

And if you're in the mood to visit Wales NOW...look no further than this great deal:

With thanks to everyone who has purchased (and rated!) - it's been a real thrill to achieve #1 Bestseller status in multiple categories in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA!

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