Monday, October 9, 2023

Dani's back!

 Alas, this week’s question is not current for me. I’ve missed the last couple Bouchercons. My first was in Baltimore ages ago, memorable, before I even had a manuscript polished enough to share. Terry Shames and I went as buddies and while the size, number of people, and atmosphere were new, it was still a thrill rather than scary. One evening, several amazing, multi-published women we didn’t know personally waved us over to join them at the bar and treated us like fellow writers, not imposters. Huge, life-changing impact. If you’re working to get up the nerve to go, do not hesitate… unless you have political qualms about spending money in states that are in a desperate effort to turn back the social clock.

I’m going off topic to share the news that I’ve managed, with help, to re-publish the 3-book Dani O’Rourke mystery series. It got such great critical reviews in its multi-year, multi-format life but never took off. I decided the many boring, content-free covers and limp marketing help from my traditional publishers played a part, so I got the rights back and plunged in with the professional help of a book editor and an illustrator: Covers that help tell the story and make Dani herself visible, handsome POD paperbacks, e-book versions, both available on Amazon. It's my job now to do the marketing, with the wonderful advice of successful crime fiction writers. Will it work? I’m not sure yet, but the covers got lots of positive attention, and I’m going to post reviews next on my Amazon page. Step by step. It isn’t easy, even with help, but hybrid publishing is becoming more common and I like Dani enough to hope she wins more admirers.

“Wickedly funny.” Kirkus Reviews


“…great fun. Dani makes for an engaging protagonist [and] is also a keen observer of the human condition, and knows the difference between substance and fluff. Watching her thread her way through crowds of billionaires and mere millionaires is fine entertainment.” – Mystery Scene Magazine

Meanwhile, the trade paper of MURDER VISITS A FRENCH VILLAGE is available for bookstores, so I need to tend to it too while finishing the copyedit stage of the next in that series, MURDER AND THE MISSING DOG. 


And I know I’m no busier than my Minds compatriots. We are all introverted while writing, hustlers once our babies are out there! I could take lessons from all of you. 


Dietrich Kalteis said...

All the best with the Dani O’Rourke relaunch, Susan. I love the cover.

Susan C Shea said...

Thanks, Dietrich! The artist really 'got' Dani, I think.