Monday, January 29, 2024

An Author's Conundrum

 It’s a “blogger’s choice” week on 7CriminalMinds. I’ve been thinking about the obstacles authors face in getting our books in front of readers. In my case, six books – the seventh out in early March – have been published in just about every format by a handful of traditional publishers, but my observations include so many good crime fiction writers whose novels slip under the radar for reasons I can't quite fathom.


What holds bigger success at bay? Who can provide a credible spotlight? What do potential readers look for and where? What role does personal popularity play? What role do any of our efforts play for those of us committed to this work as professional authors? 


Here are the seeming tools I see most of us using, but I make no claim to knowing which if any of them is part of the recipe for success. I’ll start with the caveat that while individual tastes and preferences will always play a role in what sells, I assume that our writing is high enough quality to attract publishers and the books I’m talking about are almost always, at least initially, traditionally published.


Professional reviews

Blurbs by other authors

Shout-outs by influencers

Panel participation at conventions, book festivals


Reviews on blog review sites

Guest posts on blog sites

Special pricing

Social media activities by the author

Bookstore and library personal appearances

Marketing support from publishers


Reader views on social platforms

Taking roles in professional organizations’



Some authors will be better than others at each of these. Some publishers are supportive, but most don’t do much unless they’ve given an author a large advance, at which point they work double time to make sure they turn a profit. All of these tasks take time, money, help from publishers, help from other authors, or luck. They all take persistence and a willingness to spend time, and a thick skin when something doesn’t work out, and I have no answers about which pay off in book sales. Maybe my fellow Minds or blog readers will have some clues to the puzzle!

And, meantime, a plug for my re-released Dani O'Rourke series and a head-up for the newest French village mystery, which is up for pre-publication ordering. 




Catriona McPherson said...

That list is brilliant, Susan. I have copied it out in my best writing! Cx

Dietrich Kalteis said...

Well said, Susan. I like that schmoozing is a writing tool.

Best of luck with the Dani O'Rourke and the new French village mystery.

Josh Stallings said...

Great list to look at and question myself have tried all these approaches. I keep working to write a better book, it feels like that is a.l have control over. Hmmm… I’lm sitting to write my next post and you gave me an idea. Thanks

Susan C Shea said...

No list is complete and looking at these makes me depressed at times. Josh, can't wait to read your post, as always.

Eric Beetner said...

If you figure out the secret - let me know! I'm with Josh, though. After many years of beating myself up, I've learned the only thing I can control is writing a book that I like.